Take Care of Your Ghost's and Goblin's Teeth!

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Happy Halloween to All of the Ghosts and Goblins who will be seeking alot of treats in the next week!  Many children will be consuming many, many pounds of candy in the next few weeks.  This is a big holiday for our young and so with that we want them to enjoy Halloween to the fullest.  Being parents we must realize the hazards of all of this candy to our children's teeth.  Just a few basics to remember to keep the cavities away!  Do not allow them to munch on candy all day long.  Give the

m a few opportunities to have the treats.  Do not allow the sugar to rest on their teeth non-stop.  Encourage drinks of water or brushing after their candy treats.  Keep in mind the candy that is the hardest on teeth is the sticky candies.  Eating chocolate is a better choice than a taffy type candy that sticks to the teeth.    Again Have a Wonderful Holiday with your Children!  Remember to focus on great dental habits including brushing, flossing and visiting your dentist at least every 6 months.
