Are you missing one or more teeth? If so, Dr. Schmitz, Dr. Fickas, Dr. Fabiano and Dr. Biggerstaff are delighted to replace those missing teeth with a permanent product that does not require surgery! A dental bridge in Newburgh, Indiana, is a reliable and successful product that enhances your smile and gives you the functionality you need in your oral cavity. To find out more about why our dentists and team at Family Dentistry suggest this product, call us at 812-853-3313 today!
When a patient is missing one or more permanent teeth, our dentists may recommend a dental bridge. A dental bridge is custom made to ensure the best possible fit. The bridge will consist of a replacement tooth with a dental crown on either side. The dental crowns will be placed on the teeth or implants on either side of the gap. In this way, the dental bridge is anchored in place, where it can remain for years to come!
A dental bridge typically takes two dental visits to create and place. Once in place, a dental bridge can restore the beauty and functionality of a smile. We invite you to contact our office today to learn more about the benefits of dental bridges and set an appointment with our dentists.