When a dentist is unable to verify suspected tooth decay, they will order X-rays. This is a valuable tool to confirm and diagnose dental disease when it is difficult to determine through a traditional oral exam. How often an X-ray is taken is dependent upon various factors relating to the patient. These variables include age, patient health risks, and the... read more »
Dental bridges, crowns,  veneers, dental fillings are commonly used to address compromised missing or damaged teeth. Each of these items are created from durable materials that are intended to do the work of natural teeth. Yet there are still some forces that can chip a piece of dental work. This could be the result of dental trauma, grinding your teeth... read more »
Did you know that when you have a cold or the flu, it is just as important to take care of your dental health as well as your body during this time? According to the Centers for Disease Control, the flu virus can survive on moist surfaces for 72 hours, so never share your toothbrush, but especially when you are... read more »
New parents are often rife with questions and concerns over their child’s care and development. This often includes teeth, oral development, and maintaining a healthy mouth that will last them throughout their life. Here at Family Dentistry’s dental office in Newburgh, Indiana, our dental professionals are passionate about providing you and your family the highest quality of dental care. Catching... read more »
The outer layer on each of your teeth is composed of hard tooth enamel. This mineral substance is designed to have the strength to allow you to bite and chew most common foods. However, poor oral hygiene conditions caused by inconsistencies in your brushing and flossing can cause chronic plaque acids to build up in your mouth. This can cause... read more »
Just because the holidays are upon us, that doesn't mean we need to succumb to the sugary temptations all around us. In fact, while we are celebrating with friends, family, and attending office and other holiday parties, we can look for the tooth-friendly foods that might be offered. We would love to help your teeth emerge from the holidays unscathed,... read more »
Diabetes can surprisingly cause a radical change in your dental health, both now and in future circumstances. Want to better understand the facts of diabetes and its effect on your oral health? Here are some important facts to know: - One thing that diabetes can make more difficult to handle is when infections such as gum disease can increase your... read more »
In order to achieve the strong and healthy smile you deserve, you need to keep dental enemies at bay. This is because those enemies can attack your teeth and gums, harm your smile, and alter the condition of your oral health. To help you keep these dental enemies at bay, our dentists, Dr. Schmitz, Dr. Fickas , Dr. Fabiano and... read more »
Are you nervous that you have fallen victim to tooth decay? If so, our dentists, Dr. Schmitz, Dr. Fickas , Dr. Fabiano and Dr. Biggerstaff, are happy to help you. There are many symptoms that tell that you might have a cavity, and we are happy to tell you all about them. Now, remember: If you have a cavity, the... read more »
The holidays can get extremely busy, and it’s easy to let the little things slide. Don’t let your dental hygiene routine be one of them! With all the treats (and photos!) of the holiday season, it is more important than ever to keep your smile bright. Remember that though there is room in your holiday diet for some sweet treats,... read more »