New Year Resolution with Family Dentistry

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At the beginning of each year,  New Year Resolutions are established

to promote healthy living and organization.  This is the time that we evaluate our lives and determine what we need to do better or what we should do to take care of ourselves and our families.  January is the time to open that new calendar and plan out the year.  Planning your year should include setting those appointments for wellness.  Wellness includes good dental health.  Having your teeth evaluated by a dentist as well as an appointment with your hygienist every 6 months is critical to maintain proper dental health as well as overall body health.  The evaluation of your mouth by a dentist can determine the health of your body as well as your teeth.  So when you are making a list of your resolutions, Drs. Ogle, Schmitz, and Hart would encourage each person to include making an appointment to have your teeth evaluated by a dentist and treated by a hygienist at least 2 times during this calendar year!  It is never too late to start taking better care of yourself and promoting wellness in you and your family’s life.  Remember to add Family Dentistry to your list of Resolutions for 2013!