Compromised Dental Work Needs to Be Examined by a Dentist

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Dental bridges, crowns,  veneers, dental fillings are commonly used to address compromised missing or damaged teeth. Each of these items are created from durable materials that are intended to do the work of natural teeth.

Yet there are still some forces that can chip a piece of dental work. This could be the result of dental trauma, grinding your teeth while sleeping, or chewing on ice or pens. If you damage your dental work, you should have it examined as soon as possible by our dentist, Dr. Samuel Schmitz.  

You might need to have your damaged dental work replaced, and depending on the severity of the damage, you may require a root canal. This endodontic therapy will essentially replace the internal structures of the tooth to create an abutment capable of securing a dental crown.

Going forward, you might want to address the incident or activity that cause the damage to the dental work. This might involve addressing a bad oral habit, and making active steps to break it.

In some cases you might be able to prevent further damage to your teeth and dental work by using a protective mouth guard when participating in sports, or sleeping with a dental guard in your mouth.

If you live in the Newburgh, Indiana, area and you have damaged dental work, please call  812-853-3313 to schedule your appointment at Family Dentistry. Â