Choose Your “Trick or Treat” Treat Carefully for Their Teeth

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As we continue to consider what treat to share with the Trick-or-Treaters, remember thinking “outside the box” is a good plan.   Remember a toy, a drink, a small water bottle, or a salty snack are just a few great alternatives. Easter Seals Halloween booklets that give children many opportunites to have treats for several months is also a wonderful option as well as supporting a wonderful organization.  We are aware that candy is a choice that will be given as a treat.  So consider the type of candy that you choose.  All candy does not treat your teeth in the same way.  Of course, any type of sugar that stays on your teeth can create cavities, however not all candy is the same.  Some candies tend to “stick” to the teeth much more than others.  For example, taffy, tootsie rolls, gummi bears, caramel, or any type of candy that is very sticky will stick to the teeth.  The candy will remain on the teeth for long periods of time and children may not remove the candy effectively when brushing.  This can create a much greater possibility of  tooth decay.  Family Dentistry with Drs. Ogle, Schmitz, and Hart would like to remind all to remember to think about  teeth when choosing the treat to be given to many children.  Family Dentistry has a goal to promote healthy teeth even during the fun holidays for children!