A consistent, daily routine that includes brushing your teeth each morning and night, and flossing your teeth at least once per day can help prevent problems with tooth decay and periodontal disease. The American Dental Association also recommends that you have a routine dental check-up performed by dentists like Dr. Samuel Schmitz every six months.
This outpatient appointment starts with a thorough dental cleaning performed by one of Family Dentistry’s dental hygienists. It includes a basic polishing treatment to address minor dental stains. More significant dental stains will require additional treatment.
Dr. Samuel Schmitz will then perform a thorough examination your mouth for any signs of tooth decay, periodontal disease and early signs of oral cancer. If they notices any areas of concern, they will help you understand your treatment options. This might also include performing a preventive treatment. Â Â
If our dentists notices bacterial deposits trapped on the biting surface of your molars and premolars, they might recommend applying dental sealants. This can protect the occlusal surfaces from tooth decay for up to ten years.
If your tooth enamel shows signs of demineralization caused by chronic plaque acids and acidic beverages, Dr. Samuel Schmitz might recommend a fluoride treatment. This involves applying a concentrated fluoride gel to your teeth to help bolster the mineral density of your tooth enamel.
If you live in the Newburgh, Indiana, region, and if you are due for your next dental checkup, you should call 812-853-3313 and schedule an appointment at Family Dentistry.