32 percent of Americans say that their co-workers have bad breath.  Working side by side a person with bad breath, also called halitosis, is not a pleasant experience.
Bad breath is breath that has an unpleasant odor which can occur from time to time, or it can be long lasting, depending on the cause.
It is normal to have millions of bacteria living in our mouth especially on the back of our tongue. A warm and moist enviroment is the perfect place for bacteria to grow.  A morning mouth occurs because of changes in your mouth while you sleep. The mouth during the day has saliva that washes away decaying food and odors. During the night, the body does not make as much saliva and therefore making the mouth dry with dead cells sticking to your tongue and inside your cheeks. This can produce a foul odor in the mouth and is quite noticable in the waking up hours of the day. The key to preventing this bad breath is proper brushing and flossing of your teeth. Also, having regular dental cleanings and examinations by Drs. Ogle, Schmitz, or Hart every 6 months is important to monitor your teeth of any other problems that could be causing bad breath.  Always be thinking of proper hygiene not only for yourself but for all of those you are around. Your co- workers will be Thankful!