Declining Untreated Cavities in Preschoolers

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Early dental appointments is the key to healthy teeth.

Early dental appointments is the key to healthy teeth.

Family Dentistry in Newburgh, Indiana with Drs. Ogle, Schmitz, Hart, & Fickas are happy to hear these results.  From an article in The New York Times on 3-5-15,   untreated cavities appears to be declining in preschoolers.  Fewer young children have untreated dental decay according to the Center of Disease Control(CDC).  This is the first decrease since 2007.  In 2007, a drastic increase of decay was documented in baby teeth according to the CDC.  Lead author Dr. Bruce Dye reported in this article  that preschool children had only 10 percent of tooth decay that was untreated at this time with the reports.  This is the lowest percentage in this age group for the past 25 years.  Not exactly sure of the reason of decline, recommendations from pediatricians to be seen by the age of 1 by a dentist has been promoted and encouraged.  The young preschoolers teeth are being taken care of better than have been in the past.  The ages of 6 years to 19 years have not decreased at this time and will continue to need improvement.  Drs. Ogle, Schmitz, Hart, Fickas and our entire dental team promote great dental health starting at the age of 1.  Please contact our office for further information to help your child have a life of healthy teeth.