“Dental Implant in Process” Part 2 of 3

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This crowned tooth eventually had to be removed leaving a 3 tooth gap.

This crowned tooth eventually had to be removed leaving a 3 tooth gap.

Dental Implants are the dental technology that allows people to maintain the most natural teeth and smile for many, many years.  Family Dentistry with Drs. Ogle, Schmitz, Hart, and Fickas are assisting many patients the opportunity to have dental implants instead of losing teeth and having to rely on dentures.  As we had shown the pictures from the last blog of the patient that lost the tooth in which had comprised her partial denture and leaving a three tooth gap.  The patient had been given the options from the dentist to leave the space without any teeth, restore with a removable partial denture, or replacing the teeth with dental implants.  The patient decided  to pursue the dental implant placement and restoration.  Drs. Ogle, Schmitz, Hart, and Fickas coordinate with an oral surgeon for the surgical placement of the dental implants.  The surgery may sound evasive and painful, however patients tolerate well with minimal discomfort.    Please check out the picture with the healing caps that have been placed in this patient’s mouth by the oral surgeon.  The next step will be for Drs. Ogle, Schmitz, Hart, or Fickas to fabricate the porcelain crowns to restore the mandibular arch.   Stay tuned for further progress of this dental implant case.

The healing caps of the implants placed by the oral surgeon.

The healing caps of the implants placed by the oral surgeon.